Eat Well To Be Well

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Suffering From Hypoglycemia?

WHAT IS HYPOGLYCEMIA? Hypoglycemia is an abnormally low level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. This can be caused by a sudden rise in glucose in the blood due to sweets and other sweeteners. This then leads to a sudden drop once the sweets or sweeteners are no longer in the blood system. Too much insulin released into the blood system can also cause it. Diabetes on the other hand is just the opposite and is an abnormally high level of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Learn more about hypoglycemia a ... more...
Originally Posted on 11/29/2005 7:35:03 AMContent source:

Diet: The Diet From Down Under

Title: Diet: The Diet From Down UnderCategory: Health FactsCreated: 11/1/2005Last Editorial Review: 11/4/2005 more...
Originally Posted on 11/29/2005 5:58:09 AMContent source:

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Veggie Tales Christmas Coloring Pages

Veggie Tales Christmas Coloring Pages: “If you feel pessimistic because of the astonishing amount of work it takes to reveal what you’re searching for, relax because you are one step closer to your goal. Individuals look up web sites on subjects such as this for changing motivations. The main thing to be mindful of is that you’ll need to be long-suffering. Web pages dealing with veggie tales christmas coloring pages related info are bounteous. It is up to you to dig through the top sources on the www. Having a road to untold sources touching on this is optimum. “

Originally Posted on 11/27/2005 9:14:08 AMContent source:

Your Worst Enemy

When it comes to the state of your health, you may be your own worst enemy.

This is actually good news. You may not be able to control how others treat you, but you certainly have control over the way you treat yourself! In order to treat yourself the best, you need to learn how. From there, figure out where you are off-track and then take the reins!

What are the attributes of good health? We know it when we see it:

Excellent bone structure
Erect posture
Naturally pink cheeks
Flawless skin
Sparkling eyes
Luxuriant, glossy hair
Rhythmical, graceful movements
Buoyant energy
Strong, white teeth

You can probably think of people who fit this description. They seem to literally glow with strength and vitality. How do you compare?

What you eat may be affecting your ability to display these attributes for yourself. While looking healthy is great, feeling healthy is even better, and what you put into your body can affect this ability, as well as making you look and feel tired and listless, while putting you on the path to disease.

A diet "rich" in refined foods can lead to the following:

Heart disease
Breast cancer
Prostate cancer
Sexual dysfunction
Birth defects

If you had to choose one of these lists for yourself, there is little doubt that your preference would be for the list of attributes. Why be anything less than your ultimate potential, especially when it is something you have the power to achieve? Unfortunately, that is seemingly what people do. They eat refined foods, and starve their bodies of a certain amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fiber, and phytochemicals. It becomes an endless cycle of cravings and hunger pangs, little to no energy, and a list of physical complaints.

You deserve better. Your body deserves the very best that you can provide. More importantly, from wherever you start today, you can heal yourself and turn around those habits that lead to deterioration. Superb nutrition does not require a prescription from your doctor, a lengthy stay at a health spa, or a personal chef. You have the power to control what you put into your body and how your body is treated. By taking the time to educate yourself on whole foods nutrition, and then working to incorporate some basic foods and new recipes into your daily eating, you are well on your way to having the level of health that you were born to have!

An all-or-nothing approach is what makes people feel overwhelmed and out of control. Just take one step, today. Drink water in place of a soda, put some beans on the stove to soak for a bean soup, eat an apple. Start with something, and add on to that foundation daily.

Look forward to creating vitality and displaying your own inner glow!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Healthy Recipe of the Week

Visit my newest web site (still under construction) for healthy recipes every week. First week, a hearty, nutritious soup... Corn Chowder. Delicious! I got the recipe from The Santa Cruz Railway Station restaurant in Santa Cruz California. That was the first time I ever had Corn Chowder and I was blown away as to how incredibly delicious it was. You have to try it! You will be amazed!

Brought to you by my site about nutrition, Eat Well to Be Well.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Purpose of Plate

We tend to sit down for a meal when we are hungry, or at least that is what we say. There are several reasons people eat besides the growling of our stomachs. We may be hungry because there was no nutritional value in our previous meal. Or, we fill a plate to fill an emotional void, or we are just plain bored.

There is a purpose for food beyond the fact that it tastes good and provides a sensual pleasure for the palate. If we don't eat, our biological mechanisms will fail, so it is a basic matter of survival. It is a wonderful side-benefit that we have taste buds that can enjoy the survival experience! While searching for things that taste good, remember that the functions and mechanisms of our body thrive on whole food nutrition.

The foods we consume greatly impact our bodies. For example, you feel a little sluggish in the afternoon, so you grab a candy bar. Your energy spikes and for a while you feel great, but then comes the inevitable crash when your blood sugar levels drop again, leaving you to feel worse than when you started!

Mind and body are directly affected by our daily and cumulative food choices. The reason that whole foods are a much better choice than processed foods is because processing removes nutrients - the very reason we are wired to eat in the first place! You will see foods labeled "enriched" and "fortified", which means artificial nutrients have been added back in.

Has "artificial" ever been better than the wholesome original?

In order to regulate your mood, your immune functions, and your nerve and muscle responses, choose the route of whole foods. To help fulfill the purpose of your plate, you can't go wrong with food in its natural form. Food out of a laboratory is about as appealing nutrition-wise as airplane or hospital meals!

There are balanced, nutritionally sound ways to keep your body feeling on course, which can also please the palate. If you are coming from a daily nutritional regimen that has included fast foods choices, frozen dinners, and bags of snacks, you may relate to what happens to a lot of people: you crave "home-cooked meals", and are tired and bored with going out to eat.

Some people fear that in switching over to a whole foods-based diet, it won't taste good. While there may be an adjustment period for your palate, you will soon find that when you taste food in its natural state, you won't want to go back. Have you ever reduced sodium in your diet?

After a few weeks, if you grab a bag of chips, it will taste incredibly salty to you, and it overwhelms your taste buds. In whole foods, there is no need to overwhelm – your palate is quite capable of enjoying the subtlety and richness of natural-state foods!

Remember the purpose of food, and base your daily dietary decisions on nutritional common sense.

Common Sense for Optimum Health

Nutrition is always a hot topic. People are interested in finding ways to obtain optimum health. There is a barrage of information, some of it confusing and misleading. Every year seems to bring a new join-the-bandwagon diet, offering promises that soon fall flat.

So, what should we eat to secure optimum health?

It's possible that what you eat on a daily basis has little to no nutritional worth. How many times have you eaten a meal, and an hour later felt a craving, or even hunger pangs? When this happens, it's a safe bet that there was no "food" in your food - no true nutrition.

Our bodies - an infinitely complex and wondrous structure - often don't receive the best fuel we can provide. Junk foods, processed and refined foods, excess chemical additives have all become common in our food choices, brought to us by food manufacturers. In searching for convenience, we seem to have sacrificed value and quality.

It is critical that your body is provided the best raw materials in order to carry out its daily functions. For optimal performance, your body needs optimum nutrition. The best nutrition can be found readily enough - it doesn't require a special prescription, or specialty grocery stores. It is found in whole foods. Whole foods are those closest to their natural state, and not processed more than necessary to make them consumable. In terms of health benefits, they provide a combination of balanced nutrients, which serve to nourish and protect our bodies. In overly processed foods, the nutrients are removed, replaced with additives, fat, and salt, leaving minimal to no bang for your nutritional buck.

As people learn more about common sense nutrition, they tend to want to do better, but often look at it as an all or nothing proposition. There's no need to be overwhelmed when taking a step towards whole foods. Start small! Here's one idea for the next time you are at the grocery store: take a look at the label of the loaf of bread you are picking up to buy. Move your finger down the nutritional label to "Dietary Fiber", and see how many grams you will get in one slice of bread. Then, comparison shop. You may have been picking up whole wheat bread, thinking you are making a healthy choice, only to find out now that it has been processed to the point where there is little nutritional value remaining. You may find a loaf of whole wheat providing only 1 gram of fiber, and find in comparing that a loaf of white is offering 4 grams. Make the trade and get more value for your mouthful.

Fiber is what holds you, so your body doesn't get a mixed signal saying "I'm starving!", when what it is really trying to say is, "You gave me nothing to work with in that last meal!".
For the best health possible, ignore fads, use common sense, and take that initial step.

Friday, November 18, 2005

These six foods will help set you on path to health

What you eat can affect your white blood cells -- the body's main warriors against infection and disease. Nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants help stimulate your immune system.

So if you want to give your health a boost, make sure you eat nourishing foods throughout the day. Here are six such foods, packed with healing power.

  • Carrots: They aren't just good for the eyes, they're also great for the whole body. That's because they are loaded with beta carotene, which helps fight bacterial and viral infections as well as cancer.
  • Citrus fruits: Oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons and limes are packed with antioxidants, especially vitamin C. This helps protect you against certain cancers and may even ward off asthma attacks and bronchitis. Citrus pulp contains pectin fiber, which helps lower blood cholesterol. Unfortunately, although citrus fruits are very good for your heart, too much of them may aggravate heartburn.
  • Garlic and onions: These two foods may be bad for your breath, but they're great for the rest of you. Garlic and onions have been regarded as wonder drugs for many centuries. Not only have they been found to protect us against cancer and heart disease, but they also contain anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antiviral properties. But you need to eat them raw or cooked to prosper from their powers.
  • Soybeans: Soybeans are full of health-promoting power. They are a rich source of protease inhibitors, which act as anticancer and antiviral crusaders. Soybeans also have a hormonal effect on the body, which helps with menopausal symptoms, slows bone loss and raises HDL levels good cholesterol. They are also a good source of plant protein. Try soybean products such as tofu, miso and tempeh to stimulate your taste buds and enhance your health.
  • Yogurt: Another superfood, yogurt has lots of properties that will do a body good. Yogurt is great for boosting your immune system, cleansing your intestines and preventing bone loss. Also, yogurt is easier to digest for those intolerant of plain milk. Be sure to eat yogurt with live bacterial cultures.

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    Brought to you by

    Monday, November 14, 2005

    Everyone is on a Diet

    Everyone is trying to lose weight and, given the recent statistics on obesity, perhaps this all makes sense. more...
    Originally Posted on 11/14/2005 5:24:19 PMContent source:


    Chemicals still found in kids products institute of dermapaedics institute of dermapaedics is campaigning to get manufacturers to stop using the dangerous Transportation in a way, it saves on Wand just wave a magic These conditions can both similar in name only, cause great distress more...
    Originally Posted on 11/14/2005 2:17:08 PMContent source:

    Saturday, November 12, 2005

    Light Veal Recipes to Barbeque or to Broil

    With everyone watching their weight and seeking out recipes that are low in fat and calories you may think that you have to give up some of your favorite dishes but you can find many light veal recipes that you are sure to enjoy You will never be able to tell that these unique recipes are considered to be a light meal once you taste the savory dish This light veal recipe is for those that love salad with an Italian flavor You will need 2 pounds of veal blade steaks cut into i... more...
    Originally Posted on 11/12/2005 10:53:45 AMContent source:

    No Link Found Between Caffeine Intake and Development of Hypertension in Women

    Habitual coffee drinking is not associated with an increased risk of hypertension in women. more...
    Originally Posted on 11/12/2005 10:04:33 AMContent source:

    Tea Provides Nearly 90 Percent of the Flavonoid Antioxidants Per Capita in U.S. Diet

    Tea is refreshing and soothing, but tea may also be a major contributor healthy nutrients in diet. more...
    Originally Posted on 11/12/2005 8:47:32 AMContent source:

    The True Cost of a Calorie

    The poor simply may be getting fat from the only kinds of foods they can afford.

    In the United States, energy-dense foods tend to taste good, are more convenient to buy, store and cook, and are much cheaper than energy-poor foods, Drewnowski says. "There are data from the USDA [U.S. Department of Agriculture] to the effect that prices for fruits and vegetables jumped by 130 percent or so in the past 20 years, whereas prices for sugar, fat and sweetened beverages increased by no more than 30 percent," he notes. more...
    Originally Posted on 11/12/2005 7:56:32 AMContent source:

    Friday, November 11, 2005

    Nutrition and Health Care

    Nutrition is not competitive with the practice of medicine. It is an aid to both physician and patient.

    To eat wisely is totally different than self-doctoring, which can be extremely dangerous.

    Nutrition is not concerned with disease but is a study of building and maintaining health and it is important to realize that rebuilding health through nutrition is essentially a slow but highly effective process. more...
    Originally Posted on 11/11/2005 1:58:19 PMContent source:

    Tuesday, November 08, 2005

    Aging and Nutrition

    Age is not just a chronological measurement; it is the rate at which the primary internal guardians of health - your cardiovascular and immune systems - decline.

    Did you know that there is no significant cellular difference between an adult and baby whale? The adult whale suffers no cellular degeneration as it ages. In fact, there is no good scientific explanation for aging in any creature, including human beings.

    Overeating is thought to be the major cause of premature aging.

    Fifty years of research has shown that eating a nourishing diet sparingly actually retards aging! more...
    Originally Posted on 11/8/2005 6:31:12 PMContent source:

    Saturday, November 05, 2005

    The Benefits of Fiber

    The National Cancer Institute recommends 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day but the average American only consumes about 12. It's difficult to figure how much dietary fiber a particular food supplies so it is best to eat at least 3 to 5 servings of fruits and 5 servings of vegetables per day. Unprocessed grains and cereals, and dried peas and beans are among the best low-fat sources of fiber and protein.

    Synthetic fibers that the refined food industry has been adding to their foods merely boost appeal to those who are concerned about their dietary health however, in no way can these synthetic fibers compare to natural dietary fibers of whole foods.

    More about nutrition...

    Wednesday, November 02, 2005

    Whole Food Healing

    The first principle to whole food healing is discovering how to eliminate the cause of disease by removing negative foods and poor eating habits.

    You must replace inferior foods with those of quality. Eat whole grains instead of refined grains, unrefined monounsaturated oils for refined (rancid) oils, and organic foods for chemically treated foods.

    It's important to know how to supplement deficiencies (which is what causes most diseases) with strengthening.

    Originally Posted on 11/2/2005 6:29:11 PMContent source:

    Tuesday, November 01, 2005

    The Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil is different from any other oil used in America. All common American oils are made from seeds like soybeans, canola (rapeseeds), almonds, sesame seeds, safflower seeds, sunflower seeds, etc. These seed oils are predominately made of triglycerides containing long chain fatty acids. Once eaten, these long chain fatty acids need to be emulsified by bile salts. (Bile salts are produced by the liver, stored in the gall bladder and dumped into the small intestine as needed for digestion. They are the emulsifying agents that draw the fats into the aqueous food solutions of the intestinal tract where lipase, a digestive enzyme, can work on them. The long chain fatty acids are now broken down into triglycerides made of 14 carbon atoms. This is the standard energy storage unit for the body. We call it body fat. All carbohydrates eaten in excess of energy requirements are also converted into these 14 carbon chain triglycerides. They are bound to HDL and LDL in the bloodstream and then transported into storage. more...
    Originally Posted on 11/1/2005 1:40:10 PM Content source