Eat Well To Be Well

Friday, November 03, 2006

Fast Food in Trans-ition

It appears that when the public leads with their wallets, the food industry will eventually follow. A simple matter of economics, and it is something we need to remember as a collective:

We have the power.

By electing better eating options with our dollars, we can affect how a business will work to continue to get those dollars. Those businesses that don’t give us what we want won’t stay in business.

There have been stories in the news recently about fast food restaurants. Some of them have decided to get rid of trans fats in their foods, and opt for a healthier alternative. Is it because they feel guilty that trans fats have been found to raise blood cholesterol levels? Doubtful, though it’s not likely that they are ecstatic to hear that news! Again, this is an industry, and businesses stay in business by being competitive and making a profit. This is where we come in.

When we demand healthier foods and are willing to hold our money out to those who will give us what we want, the food industry will respond in kind, or they won’t survive. Remember, business is only trying to give us what we want in order to get what they want in return, which is a profitable business.

Businesses make choices based on what makes sense to their bottom line. If hydrogenated fats, or trans fats, give a longer shelf life, this is good for a business that is trying to provide us with food that stays good longer. On the flip side are the health effects, which is where nutritional research comes in. It has been found that these fats can lead to heart attacks. Research results are provided to the public, and we are warned. We digest this information, and then decide that we need a better alternative, and when we speak up and are willing to hold our dollars back, business sits up and listens. It is here that change will take place, as business once again looks to its bottom line for guidance. Our dollars ARE their bottom line, and this is where our power lies.

We as consumers must educate ourselves on nutrition and what is best for our bodies, then join our voices and ask for what we want and what we deserve: food choices that provide us with the best opportunity for radiant, good health.


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