Eat Well To Be Well

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The cola-corrosion connection

"Honey, could you hand me that cold bottle of cola? I need to clean the car battery."

Not something you would ever expect to hear, is it? Maybe a cold cola to go with a sandwich at lunch, but not as a cleaning agent for your car!

That's right: if you want to clean corrosion from your car battery, just pour some cola over the battery terminals and it will fizz away that corrosion build-up. The active ingredient in cola is phosphoric acid. If it's able to fizz away corrosion, you have to wonder what strange effect it may be having in your body.

If you are working hard to maintain strong bones, than cola should not be part of your dietary plan. It leaches the calcium right out of your bones, due to that phosphoric acid content. Cola has been found to raise the risk of osteoporosis.

So you still crave that fizz. If you want that carbonated effect, try tonic water with some cranberry juice or orange juice. That way, you'll still have the fizz, plus flavor, and a healthy dose of vitamins that you certainly wouldn't get from a cola!

So consider carefully what you are reaching for the next time you go for a cold bottle. The materials used for car maintenance and body maintenance should never mix.


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