Eat Well To Be Well

Monday, March 20, 2006

Healing Honey

Honey is valued for its many healing properties. Treatment with honey is called "apitherapy" and is used to replenish energy, enhance physical stamina and strengthening after illness.

Honey can help calm, promote rejuvenating sleep, relieve indigestion and is used to treat respiratory ailments and cardiovascular disease.

Simple sugars, glucose, and fructose, predigested by bees, are quickly and easily absorbed in our digestive tracts. This provides us with a quick pick-me-up and yet has an overall calming effect. Other ingredients in honey are water, pollen, organic acids, enzymes and various proteins. Since honey contains pollen, eating honey harvested locally is thought to be useful for the relief of hay fever.

Additionally, the germ killing substance in honey, inhibine, helps prevent infections in minor wounds. Spread a thin layer over the wound and cover with a sterile bandage.

Learn more about healing foods...


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